Story Share: Oral History Event
The San Leandro History Museum and the San Leandro Historical Society are excited to team up for a special Oral History Program Event, and we want to hear from you! Whether you’ve owned a business in San Leandro, worked for the City, attended a local school, or simply have memories to share, your unique story is an essential part of our community’s history.
If you don’t have a story to share, perhaps you know someone who does. We’re gathering diverse voices to capture a narrative of San Leandro that goes beyond the pages of a history book. During the interviews, we’ll record and preserve your story in our collection, ensuring that future generations can connect with our town’s rich past.
Join us for this meaningful event! We’re offering 30 one-hour slots to share your personal experience in San Leandro. Your voice will help us build a lasting historical archive of our community’s legacy.
Please Sign up for you slot here: Sign Me Up